About Me

I love designing jewelry. I think about it. I dream it. I see a design from various angles. I see its potential. Yet, the ultimte joy is holding it in my hands once its finished.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


First let me begin by saying "Hello" to all my followers!  I know I have been slacking on the "blog front!"  Rest assured I haven't forgotten my duties!  It's just that there are so many! Lol!  That teaches me to complain when I used to have a day-time job.  Now I have a day-time, evening, night, and middle of the night job!  But, although I can't deny I am very anxious, I am also very excited!

Now, on to the subject at hand: "The Big Blue and You!"
Aaaah yes!  The mere mention of the big blue, brings to mind tantalizing pictures of beautiful tuquoise beaches, powder -fine sand, warm sunny skies!  The fact is we can all assimlate and enjoy the aesthetic value such a picture provides.  However, isn't it true that beauty entails maintenance and conservation?

The Folks at The Big Blue and You are aware of this.  And what's more, they have undertaken the ardous task of enligtening all of us, and our children.  It's a great no-for-for-profit organization that is endeavoring to educate children on how to conserve water and become aware of world wide issues regarding this same precious resource.  Please be sure to check out their website: http://www.thebigblueandyou.com/

They are also hosting an event, free of charge at:

The Miami Science Museum, on Friday September 24th, at 6:30 pm.  RSVP: Michelle at onewaterworshop@miamiworld.org.  Or call 954-558-9664.
During this event they will also be screening the documentary "One Water." So please be sure to bring your little ones, as there will also be exciting exhibits and complimentary refreshments!


Clarivel Campa
Jewelry Designer
Allure Jewels by CC

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